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What is Family Therapy?

Family Therapy is a comprehensive therapeutic model that assists individuals, couples or families in building stronger relationships, improving their communication and increasing their understanding of one another and themselves as people. The main goal of family therapy is to strengthen communication within families in a positive way, increase compassion and cultivate empathy.

Family therapy is defined as therapy that focuses on the wellbeing of the family as a whole and how that can positively influence each member of it. This is built on the idea of the family as a system, and how the wellbeing of individual family members affects their relationships to one another. Thus, each member is influenced by events that occur in the lives of other family members or relatives. This can be the source of strength and resources, but it can also be a hinder in terms of reaching certain goals within the therapeutic treatment. This approach is not dependent on who participates in it, it could be limited to just one individual or a couple, (step)parents, grandparents, siblings etc. The assessment of who should participate and when is done on a case by case basis, in collaboration with the person who made contact with the family therapist.


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